Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why You Should Consolidate Your College Loans While In School

Before I tell you the four most important aspects of College Loan Consolidation you must know, understand that the well-known type of college loan repayment option is the loan consolidation. Loan consolidation is favorable to college loan debtors because they offer them good benefits in both short and long term by enabling the lumping of one’s college loans into one account and one repayment plan.

Should you consolidate your college loans or not, yes you should now and take advantage as follows:

1. Loan consolidation makes your college loan payments manageable when you leave school. The rates are very low and repayment period is extend to give you a breathing space, and monthly payments can go down to more than half.

2. The latest in college loan consolidation plan is "in school consolidation.” You can consolidate your existing college loans while in school to secure low rates for at least part of your student loan portfolio.

3. College loan Consolidation saves thousands of dollars in interest payments on college loans. You will be better off to consolidate now so as to forestall a higher debt load. In order to successfully apply for college loan consolidation you must put pencil on paper and work out your income and expenses in relation to the amount you intend to borrow.

4. Do not think about whether to consolidate your college loans or not, just do it. A little sacrifice will not kill you, the earlier you consolidate your college loans the better.

Most students do not favor consolidating their college loans whilst still in school, because it will lower their living standard. However, to consolidate a college loan while in school does not mean that you must begin repayment immediately. There is a deferment clause you can bring into play and thus start your repayment after you graduate.

Put all your eggs in one good basket for lower rates and lower monthly repayments. Recommended: College Loan Consolidation Success for the best college loan consolidations of all times.

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College Loans - Your Best Friend During Your College Days

Nowadays, education has not become as cheap as before. Sudden increase of course fee, tuition fee etc are making student baffled about their career. Being failed to maintain a balance with this increasing expenses, many students can not cross the threshold of college. But now the time has come to change this scenario. With college loans, a student can easily finish his college without any financial hiccup.

With college loans, students can arrange 75% of their maximum expenses. Not only tuition fee and course fee, but college loan covers all study related expenditures including accommodation, transportation, books and others.

College loans are of various types. First is private student loan. This type of loan is mainly unsecured loans. Therefore, students need not bother about collateral. Many a time, college loans are available as parent loans. In this option, parents avail loans for their children’s college fees. College loans are also available in consolidation form that combines various student loans in one.

While paying off college loans, student can get various repayment options such as, standard repayment option, graduate repayment option, pre-payment etc. Guidance of various loan experts enables students to opt for the right repayment plan.

Availing college loan is not a big deal, these days college loans are obtained without any hassle. Many banks, financial institutions, lending companies offer college loans. In order to get a better deal, meet those lenders personally, ask for their loan quotes and compare them minutely. It will help you in getting college loans at a better interest rate. If you are short of time, you can opt for online option. Yes, college loans are also available on the internet. Online process is easy and less time consuming. With this option, you can get a better deal easily and within a least period of time.

Julia Russell works as an executive in financial department for Cheap College Loans. She has a lot of experience in finance field. To gain more information about college loan, college student loan, college loans, bad credit college loans, private student loan visit

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College Loans - An Investment in the Future

A college loan should be considered an investment in the future, since college graduates are more employable, and college graduates earn significantly more during their lifetime than high school graduates. Before choosing student or college loans, one should take into consideration all resources for funding this investment: savings, grants, scholarships, and federal and private student loans.

Students have many options for funding their education. Many different types of college loans are available for undergraduate students, graduate students, community college certificate and associate degree students, training or trade school students, distance learning students, and students in continuing education programs. The task is finding the right college loan that suits the needs of particular students. Students must weigh their options and consider time constraints, budget constraints, and personal needs.

Federal college loans come from private financial institutions. Federal loans have advantages over private loans. Students should seek out federal college loans before considering private college loans. Federal loans include Perkins, Stafford, Parent PLUS, and Graduate PLUS.

Stafford loans are the most common of college loans. They are fixed-rate, low interest, and available to full time or half time undergraduates in accredited schools. Perkins loans are low interest loans for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need. Parent PLUS is low interest for parents of undergraduate and dependent students. Graduate PLUS loans supplement graduate students.

Consolidation of college loans can save students (and their parents!) money, while in the process of repaying student loans. Consolidation loans combine eligible federal college loans into one, with a fixed interest rate and monthly payments. They can reduce loan payments and allow time for completion of a degree program and pursuit of a job.

Private college loans from schools and private institutions can furnish funding after federal loan possibilities have been exhausted. Private college loans can vary widely, and terms often depend on credit history. International students are also eligible for college loans through private institutions for pursuing an education outside the country.

All college loans have requirements and stipulations attached, and must be repaid following graduation, or termination of student status, with a six-month grace period.

If you are interested in learning more about college loans, grants, scholarships, and other types of student loans, please search our site for additional information and resources.
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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Schools, Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Distance Learning opportunities at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

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Consolidate College Loans

Going to college is one of the most important steps in one’s life, but it is also one of the most expensive ones. Nowadays, nearly everybody who goes to college has to borrow money from some lender - parents, the federal government, or private institutions.

When one has multiple lenders and is heavily in debt over college loans, there is not much to be done but start repaying them one by one, or to consolidate them.

There are many programs aimed at helping present or former students to consolidate their loans. College debt consolidation has the indisputable advantage that it is easier to manage one loan than multiple ones. Also, since interest rates have fallen, consolidating many debts into a single, low-interest one is a way to decrease the gross payment for college.

When you start consolidating loans, first examine their sources. A rule of thumb is that federal loans, which generally have lower interest rates, are never consolidated with loans from private sources.

Also, the amount of money that you owe is another issue to consider. Many debt consolidation companies do not deal with amounts less than USD 10,000, while others do not have a minimal requirement. Other companies have eligibility requirements so that only graduates can use their services.

By consolidating your college loans now, you can achieve one more thing – extend the term for payment to 15 or even 30 years. This can be a partial solution for you, if you now don’t have the money to pay it, but bear in mind that by extending the term you will pay much more interest.
With all that said, the decision whether to consolidate or not is solely up to you. Sometimes it proves that the charges for the consolidation exceed the drop in interest, so think twice before you consolidate!

Consolidate College Loans provides detailed information on Consolidate College Loans, Consolidate College Loan Debt, College Loan Forgiveness, College Loan Repayment and more. Consolidate College Loans is affiliated with Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loans.

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Top Reasons To Consolidate Your College Loans

If you know the benefits of college loan consolidation than you should know it can save you thousands of dollars each year which is money you could have saved to pay for your education of even a much needed holiday.

To understand how loan consolidation works is very simple. When you consolidate something it means to unite into one system or combining. So when you consolidate a college loan it means that you put all your current loans and unite them into one loan.

How College Loan Consolidation Works?

Suppose you have a college loan with lender 1 and you’re paying 5% interest on that college loan every year. Then the following year you needed another loan to pay for summer school, new books, equipment, and so forth. So you go to lender 2 and get a new loan at 6%. Suppose the following year you decide to change courses and you require new books again. So you go to lender 3 and get a new college loan at 6.5%.

Now this is how you consolidate your college loan to save you money. Go to lender 4 and get all your 3 loans consolidated into 1 loan with lender 4. Lender 4 will pay off your existing debt with the 3 other lenders and give you a new interest rate for example at 4.5%. By consolidating your college loans you can save thousands per year and here’s another example.
Suppose you have a loan for $25,000 and you pay around $260 per month at 5% in interest. If you consolidate your loan you can pay around $150 per month which is a saving of $110 a month. Because you only pay off one lender you don’t have to pay all the necessary management fees and high interest rates.

So the real question now is how do I find a good lender to consolidate my college loans? Here’s a simple tip. Search online for “consolidate college loans” and visit at least 20 websites. Read carefully what all the consolidation loans offer. The 2 most important things you need to know are.

1. What is the interest rate?

2. What additional fees do you have to pay at the start, at the end and every month if any?
Get around 5 different consolidate college loan lenders and compare their rates. Then it’s a matter of narrowing down to find the best lender for you. Good luck with you education and I hope it pays of itself when you find the right job.

Consolidate your student loans today and save up to 60% on your monthly repayments. Find out how you can start saving money and find out more about consolidate student loans.

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College Loan Consolidation – Knowing The Limitations

With the average college graduate leaving university with approximately $20,000 in debt, there is no doubt that college loan consolidation is an effective financial loan option for graduates. By consolidating college loans, graduates will be able to reduce their monthly payments, gain flexibility in repayment options, reduce their numerous monthly repayments into one manageable monthly payment, in some cases reset the clock on deferments and forbearances and gain favourable interest rate discounts and rebates.
However, before you decide to consolidate your college loans, you need to be aware of certain limitations and potential drawbacks. These don’t necessarily mean you need to rethink consolidation all together but rather guide you through aspects you need to consider before finally taking the plunge and consolidating all your college loans into one.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you can only consolidate your college loans once. Once you have done so, you will not be able to re-consolidate your loan with another lender. The exception to this rule is when you have left some loans out from the total consolidated amount and now wish to add on more loans. In this case, it will be considered as a new consolidation and you could potentially switch to a more favourable lender.
Another point to consider is the level of discounts you could receive when consolidating college loans. The discounts in interest rates given if you set up monthly bank transfers or you always pay on time are small compared to other financial services. The lenders blame squeezed margins on their college loan consolidation products due to regulations. As such you can expect to receive a maximum of 0.25% in interest rate reductions if you set up a monthly bank transfer and around 1% in interest rate reductions if you don’t miss a payment within the first 36 months of the term.

If you are married and you are now both ready to consolidate your loans, you will not be able to consolidate your partner’s and your loans into one. Since July 1 2006, married graduates will not be able to consolidate their loans together due to potential difficulties if the couple decides to split.

When you have decided to consolidate your college loans, keep in mind that by consolidating you will loose all your interest benefits obtained with Perkins Loan. The good news is that if you have Stafford loans, you keep all the subsidized benefits.

Finally, in most cases, lenders can only offer you college loan consolidation product only if you have $7,500 or more in college debt.

College loan consolidation is not an easy decision and should not be taken lightly. Although it has clear benefits for many graduates and their borrowing parents, you still need to consider all the limitations.

Consolidation Of College Loan Debt

Most youngsters,the students in the United States desire to become independent early in life.To help them in their endeavor, several financing institutions have come forward with attractive schemes to avail them of a loan for their college education.
These institutions also provide flexible repayment options.Unfortunately,it is not guaranteed that students always get a good career start and are able to pay off the loans taken during college days, once their education is complete. Some students also do several courses together hence requiring multiple loans,resulting in them having to repay more than one loan.However, there being a rising inflation rate,expenses soar and hence a student’s budget also gets disrupted. This thus call for a need for a debt consolidation loan to help in easing the debt burden

The loan consolidation method is not meant only for students with high paying jobs.Even students with low paying jobs have hope in form of the loan consolidation methods. in this case,the consolidation company gets in touch with the student’s previous lenders and strikes a deal with them, which works out in both parties’ best interest.

what is debt consolidation? Debt consolidation loans is essentially a term used where,all the loans taken in the past are combined together into one solitary loan and a single monthly payment amount is worked out, which is payable over a period of time. the Debt consolidation loan lead to the total interest and consolidated loan amount being greater than earlier loan repayment amounts. when this is done,it does not affect the budget because,usually a period of 20 to 30 years is sufficient to repay the loan.
All that you need to do to avail of the services of loan consolidation is hire a loan consolidating company and leave it to them to figure out a repayment strategy with lower rates, as compared to all your earlier interest rates. This eases your debt burden as well as formulates a term plan, which allows you to save money and repay the loan.

With this detbt consolidation loan, as the finances of the student increases as a result of getting a better employment in the long run, the student can increase his or her monthly loan payments
The student does not have to give any fee to the loan consolidation company so as to access it's services.Each loan consolidation company has its own way of evaluating the eligibility based on its policies.
The student should aproach the loan consolidation company after their on evaluation. The student should have the following at hand because the loan consolidation company will need them:(1)Documentary proof such as college mark sheets, Student Identification Card and number.(2)List of earlier loans complete with interest rates and term periods. (3)Personal details such as date of birth, address proof(4)whether you are supported by family or not (5)other relevant information.

The College loan consolidation is also available for a student who has not yet completed his education.College loans prove to be very helpful to the student. Students can also use the money to help them with hidden costs like books, fees, traveling home, or even supplies.So consolidate your college loan now